On SpookySwap & UNISWAP, a liquidity pool is a mechanism that allows users to provide liquidity for trading pairs on the decentralized exchange. Liquidity pools are an essential component of decentralized exchanges as they enable users to trade assets without relying on traditional order books. A liquidity pool consists of two tokens paired together, typically in equal value. For example, a popular pair could be FTM (the native token of the Fantom blockchain) paired with a different token such as BOO (the native token of Boo Finance). To participate in a liquidity pool, users need to provide an equal value of both tokens. When a user adds tokens to a liquidity pool, they become a liquidity provider (LP) and receive pool tokens in return. These pool tokens represent the LP's share in the overall liquidity pool. The LPs are essentially contributing to the liquidity of the trading pair, making it easier for other users to trade between those tokens. The price of the tokens within a liquidity pool is determined by an algorithm, usually based on the ratio of tokens within the pool. When traders execute trades on SpookySwap, the token prices can be affected due to the automated market-making process. As trades occur, the ratio of tokens within the liquidity pool may change, and the price of the tokens adjusts accordingly based on the supply and demand dynamics. Liquidity providers earn fees from the trades executed in the liquidity pool. These fees are distributed proportionally to the LPs based on their share of the liquidity pool. By providing liquidity, LPs not only facilitate trading but also earn a portion of the fees generated by the exchange. Overall, liquidity pools on SpookySwap play a crucial role in ensuring liquidity and facilitating decentralized trading between various token pairs.


JefeToken, a decentralized cryptocurrency built on the FTM blockchain, strives to foster a transparent and accountable ecosystem. In line with this objective, JefeToken maintains several wallets to facilitate transactions, including wallets on the FTM blockchain, JefeToken-specific wallets, and wallets for NFT sales on PaintSwap. This whitepaper aims to uphold the promise of transparency by openly disclosing the names and purposes of these wallets.

FTM Blockchain Wallets:
JefeToken operates on the FTM blockchain, utilizing a range of wallets for different purposes. The following wallets are associated with the FTM blockchain:

  1. [FTM Wallet 1]: JEFE MAIN VAULT
    Purpose: Primary wallet for JefeToken project operations, including token transfers and ecosystem development.
  2. [FTM Wallet 2]: JEFE LISTINGS
    Purpose: Dedicated wallet for liquidity provision and token staking mechanisms on supported decentralized exchanges.
  3. [FTM Wallet 3]: JEFE HOT ADDRESS
    Purpose: Wallet used for community reward distributions, incentivizing token holders and encouraging active participation within the JefeToken ecosystem.

JefeToken Wallets
In addition to the FTM blockchain wallets, JefeToken maintains specific wallets for internal token management and governance. These wallets ensure transparency and traceability within the JefeToken ecosystem:

  1. [JefeToken Wallet 1]: E. Delta
    Purpose: Governance wallet used for voting, proposing and implementing platform upgrades, and managing the JefeToken protocol.
  2. [JefeToken Wallet 2]: Burn Reserve
    Purpose: Wallet designated for token burns, reducing the total supply of JefeToken to enhance scarcity and potentially increase value.

PaintSwap NFT Sale Wallets:
As JefeToken engages in NFT sales on the PaintSwap platform, dedicated wallets are employed to facilitate these transactions:

  1. [PaintSwap NFT Wallet 1]:Deployer NFTS
    Purpose: Wallet utilized for receiving payment and distributing NFTs to buyers during PaintSwap NFT sales events.

JefeToken maintains a commitment to transparency and accountability within its ecosystem. By openly disclosing the names and purposes of the FTM blockchain wallets, JefeToken wallets, and PaintSwap NFT sale wallets, the project aims to provide full visibility into its transactional activities. This dedication to transparency strengthens trust among token holders, participants, and the wider community, fostering a thriving and sustainable JefeToken ecosystem.

Real-Worth NFTs on PaintSwap:
Real-Worth NFTs are specifically designed to represent tangible value beyond their digital existence. When purchasing Real-Worth NFTs on PaintSwap, the following steps are followed:

  1. Artists Allocation (20%):
    Upon purchasing a Real-Worth NFT, 20% of the transaction proceeds are allocated to the artists. This direct allocation recognizes and supports the creativity and effort of the artists of the JEFE SOCIETYw.
  2. Tax Payment:
    Following the artists allocation, taxes applicable to the NFT sale are paid. These taxes contribute to the overall development and maintenance of the JefeToken ecosystem.
  3. Conversion to JefeToken:
    After deducting the artists allocation and taxes, the remaining FTM from the NFT sale is converted into JefeToken. This conversion ensures that the NFT's value is represented in JefeToken, creating a tangible connection between the NFT and the JefeToken ecosystem.
  4. Deposit and Value Display:
    The converted JefeToken amount is deposited and associated with the corresponding Real-Worth NFT. This value is prominently displayed alongside the NFT, providing transparency and enabling participants to gauge the NFT's worth in terms of JefeToken.

Benefits of Real-Worth NFTs:
The integration of Real-Worth NFTs offers several benefits to the JefeToken ecosystem:

  1. Artists Support:
    The allocation of 20% of the NFT sale proceeds directly to the artists provides recognition and financial support for their creative contributions.
  2. Transparent Value:
    By converting the remaining FTM into JefeToken and depositing it with the NFT, the JefeToken value associated with the NFT is readily visible, enhancing transparency and market understanding.
  3. Community Participation:
    Real-Worth NFTs encourage community participation by fostering engagement with both artists and the JefeToken ecosystem, creating a vibrant and inclusive environment.

JefeToken's integration of Real-Worth NFTs on PaintSwap brings tangible value to the NFT market. By allocating a percentage to the artist, paying taxes, converting the remaining FTM to JefeToken, and displaying the associated value, JefeToken enhances transparency, supports artists, and creates an engaging ecosystem. The implementation of Real-Worth NFTs strengthens the overall value proposition of JefeToken, fostering growth and fostering a community of artists and enthusiasts.

This is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial or investment advice. The process and allocations described herein are subject to change based on the development and evolution of the JefeToken ecosystem. Users are encouraged to conduct their own research and due diligence before engaging with Real-Worth NFTs and JefeToken.